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:: Thursday, February 22, 2007 ::

Allwyn: Black is black
Sent at 8:10 PM on Thursday
Allwyn: AC/DC
I need to get more cool rock songs
and Ben Folds
me: thats "back in black" you crazy foreigner
Allwyn: sorry black in black
me: no BACK in black
Allwyn: really?
me: yes
Allwyn: Holy shit it is

:: Nick 8:27:00 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 ::
What the crap, its 2007?

I don't have a lot of time to post. Life is hectic. Let's see, interesting things that have happened lately...some Canadian college students thought it would be a good idea to steal software and I switfly and mightily crushed them. Well, their school is going to punish them, and it seems like the kids have more to fear from their professors and administrators than me. After 172,000 miles, the factory original clutch on the Volvo has started going out. She's a champ. Still outhandles some of the more retarded SUVs in snow and ice though. I'm thinking about buying a house. The new idiots that run Colony Woods, I'm sorry, "Campus Court at Naismith" are going to start charging $800/month for a 2 bedroom apartment. That is a 45% increase over what I'm paying now. To top it off, I have to put up with them tearing up my apartment! Oh, they're renovations, I should enjoy them! Enjoy my foot! I'm paying for an apartment that I can't use, and has construction workers randomly coming in all the time! WTF do they think they are doing? There's a couple places out in the country (Lecompton) that I've looked at, but I still haven't seen "the one." Oh, and for some reason, now that I've "upgraded to the "New Blogger" all of my archives have disappeared. I guess that's what I get for using a five year old template. I'll get around to fixing it, don't complain.

Oh, that's right, there was a reason I was posting today.


Now, this year is a little different from last. There is someone I care for very, very much, and she claims to care about me. But at what level? Why does she make everything so difficult? Why do I feel like even though I'd be the luckiest guy in the world to have her forever, that I'm also the most abused for taking the fallout from her uncertainties and misguided (or unguided) decisions. I haven't seen her in many months. I absolutely adore her, and there isn't anyone who could ever replace her. Any girl I ever meet will always fall second to her. But I haven't seen her in months. I'm paying a horrible price to survive her inability to make simple decisions and to take some chances. Part of that price is going to be sitting in my apartment tomorrow when I get home, and continuing to be alone.

:: Nick 11:02:00 PM [+] ::

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