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to Nick's Parking Gestapo Litigation Fund

:: Sunday, January 29, 2006 ::

(21:06:23) Maria: So Nick
(21:06:30) Maria: How much ditigal electronics do you remember?
(21:06:40) Me: a bunch
(21:06:41) Maria: Want to help me design 3 circuits?
(21:07:43) Maria: First I need to make an arbiter circuit
(21:08:00) Maria: That takes in n bits
(21:08:23) Maria: and also a one hot input that tells you which bit is to be considered the most important
(21:08:33) Maria: So it is a variation off of a normal arbiter
(21:08:52) Maria: Then the priority circles around
(21:09:53) Maria: (ie if the input is 7 bits, the 5th is the most important, then the 4th would be the next most important, 3rd second most important, and the 6th would be the least important

Someday she is going to make some geek very, very happy.

:: Nick 11:21:00 PM [+] ::
(01:10:06) Me: http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2006/jan/28/protest_aims_save_wave/?city_local
(01:10:48) Nick Poulos: haha, nice
(01:11:27) Me: so now lawrence is the 2nd meanest city to homeless people and crossing guards
(01:11:57) Nick Poulos: well, y'know, with their ties to Al Qaeda, makes sense

:: Nick 1:14:00 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, January 28, 2006 ::
Recently I found my brother's myspace profile. It was typical of an uneducated wahoo who thinks he is cool. The best part though was in the personal description area. Under "Body Type," my brother listed "5'11" and "Body Builder." I laughed so hard. I emailed him to tell him that he had made my day. Today he replied.

(21:54:59) Peter: i hate ur email
(21:55:00) Peter: i hate ur email
(21:55:06) Peter: *kicks u in the nuts
(21:55:15) Me: punch
(21:58:32) Me: "body builder" ...hehehe that was great
(21:58:41) Peter: i can bench 345
(21:58:51) Peter: that constitutes me as a body builder
(21:58:55) Me: says who?
(21:59:04) Peter: and who else do you know that can leg press 1500 lbs?
(21:59:25) Me: a few
(21:59:34) Peter: i doubt that
(21:59:50) Me: you forget I work with members of the military
(22:01:18) Me: *awkward pause*
(22:02:09) Me: hehehe
(22:02:10) Peter logged out.

"Body Builder, eh? Yeah, if the body he is trying to build is potato shaped." - Kyle

Go Team Peter.

:: Nick 10:01:00 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 ::
(21:41:56) Cliff: What my Vitamin Water reads:

50 cent's new album is bound to go platinum. So Formula 50 decided to go platinum too. Not to be outdone, we are happy to announce our own album, "hydrate or die tryin'." All we need is one little shout out at the MTV video music awards. Suckaz be movin' out the way at them beverage conferences. Plus, our drink has the nutrients you need to fuel you through your day. That's how we roll here in Queens.
(21:42:08) Cliff: thought you might like that
(21:42:32) Me: that might be the greatest thing I have ever seen

:: Nick 5:06:00 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, January 22, 2006 ::
(18:13:38) Me: urgent 1989 rap music update
(18:15:30) Brian Ginsberg: oooh
(18:15:33) Brian Ginsberg: yes?
(18:15:55) Me: you won't believe what I heard on 95.7 FM, Ottawa, KS
(18:16:11) Me: None other than "The Humpty Dance"
(18:16:15) Brian Ginsberg: nice!
(18:16:23) Me: like all six minutes of its majesty
(18:16:28) Me: and samoans
(18:16:28) Brian Ginsberg: oh excellent
(18:16:32) Brian Ginsberg: you got the full-play version
(18:16:35) Brian Ginsberg: that's crucial
(18:16:50) Me: KC radio stations are the best in midwest
(18:18:11) Brian Ginsberg: based on what you just told me, i have a hard time disagreeing w/that statement

:: Nick 6:17:00 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, January 19, 2006 ::
"I may not always love you
But as long as there are stars above you
You'll never need to doubt it
I'll make you so sure about it

'Cause god only knows what I'd be without you

And if you should ever leave me
The world would still go on, believe me
And the world could show nothing to me
So what good will living do me

God only knows what I'd be without you
God only knows what I'd be without you"

- The Beach Boys, "God Only Knows"

:: Nick 11:47:00 PM [+] ::
(20:52:12) Me: I so have upgraded my ticket on the Red Eye Flight to Hell.
(20:52:28) Nick Poulos: when/where's that?
(20:52:50) Me: kinda whenever, but it is going to be at an inopportune time, yet nonstop
(20:52:57) Me: just straight to hell
(20:53:23) Nick Poulos: I didn't think anyone flew to Manhattan, KS
(20:54:08) Me: apparently george bush does
(20:54:58) Me: he's giving a lecture at k-state

:: Nick 8:56:00 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, January 12, 2006 ::
I had a bunch of stuff I had to do at work today, but it was dependent on people outside the company who blew me off, so I really didn't get much accomplished. We got that Cryohawk engine running today for about 25 minutes. I ended up with a nontrivial amount of 100LL aviation gas on myself. Fuel lines leaked, and we had an awful time bleeding them. On our second start attempt, the engine refused to start. It turns out that we probably flooded it. It started and ran fine later. I have a bit of a headache. The lead in the exhaust fumes probably caused it. Dr. Colgren offered me a funded project, this time from Sandia National Labs. I am going to give him a call tomorrow and ask what it is, but I am most likely going to stay put. I can't overextend myself. At least there is Henry T's tonight, that will make me feel better.

:: Nick 8:02:00 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 ::
today was a long, long day. I spent some time at the airport working on the Cryohawk UAV. It turns out that the $2,000 custom landing gear wasn't built right and is not fitting properly. I helped make a jig to align the outer wing spars and line up the wing ribs. Last, I went and bought some 100LL and started setting up one of the engines on a test stand for its first start and break-in period. This morning I coded, fixed stuff, started messing around with NEi Nastran, and tried convincing Sun Microsystems that I am in dire need of a Sun Fire T2000 server to test for 60 days. I'm tired.

:: Nick 10:19:00 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 ::
"My favorite things in life are these: true love, the love of Jesus Christ, spontaneous hugs, obnoxious laughter, sharp minds, great friends, my family, all things Jayhawk, the feeling that I'm part of something bigger than myself, 'small world' connections, cuddling, and Mountain Dew."

- Seen on a profile on the KU Facebook.

You know what I love? The fact that "the love of Jesus Christ" is equated with Mountain Dew. YES.

:: Nick 11:06:00 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, January 09, 2006 ::
Carl Junction, Missouri: Where a Carl meet a Carl comin' thro' the rye.

:: Nick 12:04:00 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 ::
While I was home for the holidays, I got a chance to escape for a little bit. I spent some great time with my friends, but also had time to spend by myself to think and reflect upon life.

Christmas Eve: Arrived in Chicago as the sun rose. Took a cab from Midway to the Conrad Hilton. Cabbie was an inorganic chemist. We had great conversation. I tipped him well. Met with my family in an executive suite on the 21st floor. Ate breakfast of fresh fruit, Carr's crackers, cheese, and champagne. Indulged in a 30 minute shower. Left the hotel, ate lunch at Lou Mitchell's. Went home, rested. Met with family at Aunt Mary's house for dinner and presents.

Christmas: Breakfast with Uncle Ted and his family. Santa was very good to me. Dinner at my brother's godparents' house in St. Charles.

Time between Christmas and New Years: Saw Poulosi, Ruth, Kevin & Karen, Brian & Sarah (she is highly approved of), ate good food, had fun times, fixed a bunch of stuff. I received a phone call from my good friend Ted in Lawrence wishing me a happy new year. That phone call really made my night.

Between New Years and now: Fixed more stuff, played some games, hung out with friends and family, and caught a flight back to Lawrence. I did some database programming, fixed some more stuff, and hung out at the airport talking with Andy, the KU airport director, while he was working on the 172. I went shopping for an HDTV with Kevin; nothing was purchased but that may change for him by tomorrow. Finally I watched the KU vs. Yale basketball game and watched the Bulldogs get blown out of the water. Then I came here.

I'm starting to get some more direction in life. I know there are some of you out there who don't believe it, and I don't know what I can do right now to change that. Actually, I don't think the people this pertains to even read this, so I don't know why I even bother.

I have been listening to one song in particular lately a lot. It really makes me think about what I'm doing with myself. Maybe you'll get it, maybe you won't. I just know that I am running out of time to make the most important decisions of my life.

"There's a fine, fine line between a lover and a friend;
There's a fine, fine line between reality and pretend;
And you never know 'til you reach the top if it was worth the uphill climb.

There's a fine, fine line between love
And a waste of time.

There's a fine, fine line between a fairy tale and a lie;
And there's a fine, fine line between "You're wonderful" and "Goodbye."
I guess if someone doesn't love you back it isn't such a crime,
But there's a fine, fine line between love
And a waste of your time.

And I don't have the time to waste on you anymore.
I don't think that you even know what you're looking for.
For my own sanity, I've got to close the door
And walk away...

There's a fine, fine line between together and not
And there's a fine, fine line between what you wanted and what you got.
You gotta go after the things you want while you're still in your prime...

There's a fine, fine line between love
And a waste of time."

- Avenue Q - There's a Fine, Fine Line

Oh, and happy new year. 2005 was completely crazy. Lots of incredible things happened to me, both good and not-so-good. Let's see what 2006 brings.

Happy Birthday, Jessica.

:: Nick 10:01:00 PM [+] ::

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